September 29, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Many people start well. Very few finish well. I was surprised by the end of Gideon’s life. Gideon was a judge in Israel. God called him to deliver the people from the Midianites. He’s famous for his fleece and for his 300 men. Each time, God met him where he was at and used him to save the people. When it came to the end of his life, I was expecting a good finish and it seemed like it from his statement in 8:22-23.

Judges 8:22-23 (ESV)
Then the men of Israel said to Gideon, “Rule over us, you and your son and your grandson also, for you have saved us from the hand of Midian.” 23 Gideon said to them, “I will not rule over you, and my son will not rule over you; the Lord will rule over you.”

His very next statement and final recorded act as judge, though, are extremely saddening:

Judges 8:24-27 (ESV)
And Gideon said to them, “Let me make a request of you: every one of you give me the earrings from his spoil.” (For they had golden earrings, because they were Ishmaelites.) 25 And they answered, “We will willingly give them.” And they spread a cloak, and every man threw in it the earrings of his spoil. 26 And the weight of the golden earrings that he requested was 1,700 shekels of gold, besides the crescent ornaments and the pendants and the purple garments worn by the kings of Midian, and besides the collars that were around the necks of their camels. 27 And Gideon made an ephod of it and put it in his city, in Ophrah. And all Israel whored after it there, and it became a snare to Gideon and to his family.

An ephod was a garment worn by the priest. Why Gideon wanted one isn’t explained, but we know that it became an idol and a snare to him. Satan used it to turn his heart and the hearts’ of Israel away from God.
I want to finish well and I’m sure you do too. We need to be on guard against snares and idols, especially the closer we get to the finish line. What are the greatest temptations, like Gideon’s ephod, in your life? What steps can you take to finish well? How can you use your life to point people towards Him?

What’s Happening at Gospel Life:

No Youth Group on Sunday: We won’t have youth group this Sunday, but you can join us next Sunday, October 8th from 5-7 pm for dinner, games, worship, and Bible study.

Ladies Fall Retreat: The Ladies Fall Retreat will be October 13th-15th at Camp Pinewood in McCall. The theme is “Prepared Not Scared” from 1 Peter 3:15-16. You can find out more details and register at the Welcome Table on Sunday or click the link below. The cost is $134 and limited scholarships are available.

Life Groups: If you would like to grow in your relationship with the Lord and other believers, please consider joining a Life Group. We have groups for men, women, and youth. You can check them out here:

Request Prayer: It’s important for us to be praying for each other as a church! If you ever need prayer, we would love to come alongside you. You can always turn in a prayer request on Sundays using the Connection Card, but you can also submit a prayer request online at any time:

This Coming Sunday:
Finding God in Sorrow – We’re continuing our new series through the Book of Ruth called, “Finding God in Tough Times.” After losing her husband and two sons, we’ll see what’s next for Naomi in Ruth 1:6-18.

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Gospel Life Bible Church • 208-505-8974 • • 1123 12th Ave Rd. No. 286 Nampa, Idaho 83686